Changes Proposed to Local Conservation Areas |
Bedford Park could be increased with Acton Green reducedBeaconsfield Estate could be taken out of Conservation Area November 9, 2023 Ealing Council is currently holding a consultation on proposed changes to Conservation Areas (CAs) across the borough. This includes alterations to the boundaries of two CAs in the Chiswick area – Bedford Park and Acton Green. The council’s report recommending the inclusion of more of Fielding Road and Blandford Road into the Bedford Park CA says that research indicates that the houses in these sections of the roads are the architectural style as the eastern sections and were built at around the same period (1880 or 1881). In addition, Ormsby Court on the Avenue is included as, although it is a later development, the original plot and houses on this site have historical and architectural significance and links to the development of the estate and its architecture. The report goes on to say that its inclusion would have the added benefit of providing a straighter and better-defined boundary edge to the CA along The Avenue, thereby encompassing the entire block at western end of Fielding and Blandford Roads up to The Avenue. Properties affected: For the Acton Green CA the proposal is to reduce the boundary by removing the Beaconsfield Estate at the junction of Acton Lane and South Parade. The CA has a diverse architectural heritage but mainly from 19th and 20th century, with Victorian terraces, turn of the century mansion flats and the Victorian Church of St Albans and the late Victorian/Edwardian pub of the Duke of Sussex. The estate, which was built in the seventies is very different in character from the rest of the CA and it is considered that the inclusion of this estate on the basis of its architectural and historical association is no longer justified. Properties affected:
The inclusion of properties in a CA means that they are classified as an area of special architectural or historic interest that is desirable to preserve or enhance, as defined under the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. In practice this means that those living within the area are subject to the extra planning controls and considerations that apply to conservation areas, including control over demolition of unlisted buildings, control over works to trees, limitations on the types of advertisements which can be displayed and more restriction on the types of development which can be carried out without the need for planning permission (permitted development rights). The council’s report claims that inclusion in a CA can bring financial benefits including an increase in property values but it can also mean greater expense and restrictions for householders wishing to make alterations to their homes. If you have any comments on the proposed boundary changes you can send them to In your response, you are asked to indicate to which conservation area and question you are referring. The consultation deadline is 31 January 2024.