Confusion Reigns Over Rendezvous Licensing Bid |
Earlier decision to restrict music apparently overturned after meeting
May 16, 2023 There has been anger and dismay from residents and a local councillor after a change in a licensing decision after it was apparently agreed at a meeting. The borough Licensing Panel met on 25 April to discuss an application by the Rendezvous Bar and Restaurant at 18-20 Chiswick High Road for an extended licence. The establishment’s previous licence had lapsed due to the company managing the restaurant being dissolved and current management was seeking permission to serve food and drink until midnight Monday to Saturday and 11.30pm Sunday and to play music until that time. The panel heard of objections both from local residents and borough licensing officers. Ten residents of the area, mainly from Prebend Gardens, wrote submissions to the panel reporting consistent disturbance from the premises at night time which they had been complaining about for several years. It was alleged that noise limiters placed on equipment in the restaurant by borough officers was overridden soon after installation. Some of the objectors also attended the hearing to give oral evidence. Ward Councillor John Todd gave evidence about the persistent serious noise problems at the premises and asked the Panel to consider the peace and security of local residents. One objector said, “Since the Rendezvous opened several years ago, the noise generated through very loud music from the [restaurant] has been more frequent and far worse than the noise from the previous restaurants before them… [we live] under stress, anxiety, and fear of what the current tenants will do next and are never sure if we will be able to sleep.” The application, submitted by Amir Mohammad Nazempour, said, “[There will be] extra insulation installed within walls, so sound doesn’t travel outside the premises and cause public nuisance.” The business was granted a licence to operate for the standard hours for restaurants and bars on the High Road which will allow it to stay open until 11.30pm Monday to Thursday, midnight on Friday and 11pm on Sunday with last orders a half hour before closing. Initially, Hounslow Council published a decision notice that state that all music, live or recorded, was to cease being played at 9pm at the venue in line with the recommendation of borough licensing officers. In addition, a noise limiter was to be reinstalled at the premises secured by a key or a password which cannot be altered without prior agreement with the Environmental Health Service. All windows and doors are to be kept closed after 10pm and a direct telephone line to the manager of the premises is to be made available at all times to residents and businesses in the vicinity. However, on Friday 5 May a second Decision Notice was distributed by Hounslow Council in which there was no mention of any restrictions on the playing of music with Rendezvous only being prevented from hosting dance events. Cllr Todd says that there was no ambiguity during the meeting and that it was agreed music was to finish at 9pm. He has not been given an explanation for the apparent variation in the latest notice and has written to all three members of the panel requesting clarity. A spokesperson for Hounslow Council said, "The Licensing Panel considered the premises licence application for Rendezvous Restaurant and Bar situated at 18-20 Chiswick High Road, and provided a summary of their deliberations at the end of the meeting. The issued Decision is in accordance with the legal position, which is that a licence is not required for live or recorded music between the hours of 08.00-23.00, on any day when the premises is authorised to sell alcohol for consumption on the premises, provided that the audience does not exceed 500."