Local Florist to be in Chelsea Flower Show

Sponsorship sought from local businesses for small garden design that will be seen by many of the 170,000 visitors to the show


Florists in Chiswick

Pot Pourri Wins Silver at Chelsea

Local Florist to be in Chelsea Flower Show

Courtyard Garden set to bloom on time

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Marcia Hurst of Pot Pourri on Chiswick High Road and Jane Brockbank of Terrain Garden Design are thrilled to announce that their garden design for Chelsea Flower Show 2003 has been accepted.

Marcia said "We entered the Small Gardens category, in an allocated space of 4.5 metres frontage x 4 metres deep, with a design entitled 'Courtyard Garden in Cordes, Midi-Pyrenees'. We have been very busy in the last few weeks raising sponsorship from local business that we have been closely associated with in the last 20 years."

During Chelsea week over 170,000 people visit the Flower Show. Media coverage is extensive throughout this prestigious event, which traditionally marks the beginning of the "Summer Season", with live broadcasts each day of the show, featuring celebrity gardeners and interviews with visiting celebrities.

They will be producing a specially printed handout with all the information about the garden and our sponsors. All the sponsors will be invited to a special 'Chelsea Tuesday' reception with champagne, food and a chance to look around the gardens without the crowds. The Royal Horticultural Society will be arranging this event for the first time next year.

May 2, 2003

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