Ali Dizaei's Appeal Successful

Former local police chief sees his sentence quashed

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The Court of Appeal has ruled that the guilty verdict against Ali Dizaei which saw him jailed for four years was unsafe.

The Former Borough Commander of Hounslow and Hammersmith & Fulham, and a once regular face on the Chiswick High Road, was jailed in February 2010 for misconduct and perverting the course of justice after he was found guilty of attacking and falsely arresting a web designer in 2008 outside Yas Persian Restaurant in Hammersmith Road.

The appeal court heard Baghdadi had pretended his father was alive so he could collect his £100-a-week pension, plus a carer's allowance. He illegally claimed thousands of pounds this way according to Michael Mansfield QC, who was representing Dizaei at the appeal.

It was also stated that Baghdadi had lied to get into the UK claiming he was fleeing persecution in Iraq when in fact he was born and raised in Iran. Baghdadi was himself convicted of benefit fraud this March. It was argued that in the light of the conviction, Baghdadi's testimony against the former police officer was unsafe.

The original charges related to an altercation between Dizaei and Baghdadi in which the latter had confronted the former claiming he owed him £600 for web design services. Dizaei was convicted of falsely arresting Baghdadi and then lying in official statements, claiming he had been assaulted and threatened.

Documents seen by BBC News suggested Mr al-Baghdadi's real name is Vaed Maleki and that he was born in Tehran, Iran, in 1983. This contradicts statements Baghdadi gave to the Independent Police Complaints Commission and evidence he gave under oath in court giving grounds for the appeal.

The Crown Prosecution service have said that they will be seeking a retrial.

May 20, 2011