chiswick leisure

To add a listing go to the Services Directory

Listings for local clubs are free.

Enhanced listings which include guaranteed prominence and a logo/picture are available from £95 plus VAT.

Restaurants - We have a comprehensive listing of all the places to eat plus a brief comments based on feedback from users of this site.  

Chiswick, as befits the home of one of the nations finest brewers, is home to many very good pubs.  Our pub reviews are based on feedback through the discussion forum.

For families there are lots of things to do locally for children, the problem is often finding out about them. We have a listing of entertainment for kids plus you can always look in our calendar to keep you up to date.

If you want a takeaway or a caterer then we have listings of some of the better services on offer in the area.

There are a huge number of sports clubs locally. As far as possible we aim to be cover all local clubs in W4 so if yours in not included let us know.