Official indifference as sewage flows on the streets Thames Water take their time as health risk and stench worsen The unfortunate residents of Staveley Gardens have, since Saturday 23rd August, been subjected to raw sewage flooding their roads and pathways. This deluge is a direct result of a damaged water main whose repair is the responsibility of Thames Water. Despite numerous phone calls from residents to Thames Water and their pledge of a visit within 4 hours, the situation was not quickly rectified and worsened by the day. Thames Water initially denied responsibility claiming that it was Hounslow Council’s problem. Hounslow however produced paper work that showed that Thames Water had ‘adopted’ the water main when a similar problem occurred last year. Residents also called Water Voice and other water watchdog authorities but have collectively found them ranging from disinterested to downright rude. Aside from
the unbearable stench from the sewage, the health risks to the community
are enormous and damage to the environment is far-reaching. Surface water
from this area is carried directly to the river at Barnes Bridge via rain
water gutters and, at present, this is exactly where the untreated sewage
is ending up. August 31, 2003 Sign
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