The "Big Sing" aims to unite local community with one voice to raise funds
The parish of Our Lady of Grace & St Edward, Chiswick High Road will play host to the "Big Sing” on Sunday January 30th at 4.00pm to raise funds for tsunami victims and their families.
Parishioner Clare Delmar Lynch will be coordinating this extraordinary event which will feature performances from Monks from the London Buddhist Vihara and the Russian Orthodox Church choir amongst other choirs and organisations who have pledged their support.
There will ample opportunity on the day to make monetary donations which will go to the Disasters Emergency Committee, an umbrella group for charities including ActionAid, the British Red Cross, CAFOD, Oxfam, Save the Children, Christian Aid and World Vision. The other beneficiary will be Hope for Children (HOPE), a Hemel-Hempstead based charity which has been operating in Sri Lanka for over 10 years. HOPE works with small organisations at the coalface of the tragedy, and concentrates its efforts on assisting children of five years and younger, the most affected age group.
For further information, please contact Clare Delmar Lynch on 07980 565 818 or via email
January 19, 2005