Centre Opens for Duke of Edinburgh's Award |
Bronze Silver and Gold Sections at Chiswick Methodist Church
Anyone interested can call in to the new hall at Chiswick Methodist Church on Thursday afternoons between 4.30 and 6pm and sign up for the award too. Leaders are available at the centre every week as contact point for the award scheme. There is also a new project open for secondary school age children and young people. The 'Youth Cafe' is a cafe style club for young people to relax, play pool, snacks and refreshments also available. Open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at present from 3pm to 7pm Chiswick Methodist Church are looking for people interested in working at the 'Youth Cafe' project which will be open from 3pm to 7pm weekday evenings. They are willing to offer job share posts, either days per week or hours per day. Experience working with young people is an asset and and catering skills helpful too. For full
details of the project, the posts available, and to arrange a visit, please
telephone 020 8747 1052 March 18, 2004 |