From Sheffield Town Hall to Chiswick Town Hall |
Chiswick Riverside councillor Peter Thompson reports back
Sheffield Town Hall These memories flooded back as I sat with my brother in the Victorian splendour of Sheffield Town Hall this summer. Those Northern Victorians knew how to translate their wealth into civic pride and impressive urban architecture! The occasion was a sad one as we were there to register my mother’s death. Grief for the death of a mother is one of the hardest things we face in life and how well the Sheffield Registry Office looked after us. Their tact, discretion and calmness were well appreciated. Registering births, marriages, civil partnerships and deaths are one of these things that councils just get on with without any fuss or bother or publicity. They all certainly deserve a shout-out for their wonderful public service. London's Metropolitan Police is in special measures following a string of scandals including the murder of Sarah Everard, the Stephen Port inquiry and the strip search of Child Q. Chief Superintendent Wilson outlined the new Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley’s plans to restore trust and increase the visibility of the police. A large section of the meeting centred on transport related issues such as anti-social and illegal driving and cycling. The call for a police presence to stop cars driving down the wrong side of the road on Sutton Court Road, cars blocking bike boxes or cyclists jumping red lights make sense. But the police response that they don’t have enough officers now (more are coming) to send on such tasks and that they need to prioritise other duties is true. Local visibility will increase however when more officers arrive and the deal is finally done, fingers crossed, to create a base at the Chiswick Fire Station. Several people reported that they don’t feel safe walking around Chiswick at night. People raised issues such as cycle thefts, drug use and begging on Chiswick High Road. It was interesting to hear from our Liberal Democrat colleagues from Southfields Ward, Cllrs Gary Malcolm and Andrew Steed, that Ealing Council has agreed to increase the level of lighting after their long campaign. I was staggered when Sam Hearn, who represented Chiswick Riverside until last May, told the meeting that in a Borough Council in Hounslow it was categorically stated by the powers that be that lighting had no impact on crime! We were also joined by Ruth Cadbury MP who spoke at the end of the meeting about the need to get the key safety messages to local people about doing basic checks before opening your doors and installing things like spy holes. Cllr Ajmer Grewal, who is the Cabinet Member for Safety, was also present. If you haven’t already sign up for OWL - Online Watch Link – which sends out about crime & local issues happening right now in our area please do so. It helps prevent burglary, finds missing people, makes people feel safer, and also catches suspects! ( And finally Cllr Peter Thompson 07977 395810 SURGERIES IN CHISWICK AND GUNNERSBURY We are back to our usual routine of holding face-to-face surgeries in Chiswick and in Gunnersbury. Chiswick: Every Saturday from 9.30am to 10.30am at Chiswick Library (the eight Conservative councillors take this surgery in turn). We are awaiting guidance about the surgery in Chiswick on Saturday 17 th September. Please see note in dates for your diary below: Gunnersbury: First Saturday of the month from 10am to 11am at The Gunnersbury Triangle Club, Triangle Way, off The Ridgeway, W3 8LU (at least one of the Chiswick Gunnersbury ward councillors takes this surgery). DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 13 October 7:00 pm Planning Committee 18 October 7:00 pm Cabinet 3 November 7:00 pm Planning Committee 8 November 7:00 pm Overview and Scrutiny Committee 15 November 7 :00 pm Cabinet 22 November 7:00 pm Chiswick Area Forum 29 November 7:30 pm Borough Council CONSERVATIVE COUNCILLORS and CONTACTS Chiswick Gunnersbury (was Turnham Green) ward Cllr Joanna Biddolph 07976 703446 Cllr Ranjit Gill 07976 702956 Cllr Ron Mushiso 07976 702887 Chiswick Homefields ward Cllr Jack Emsley 07977 396017 Cllr Gerald McGregor 07866 784821 Cllr John Todd 07866 784651 Chiswick Riverside ward Cllr Peter Thompson 07977 395810 Cllr Gabriella Giles 07966 270823
October 8, 2022