Brentford & Chiswick Local History Journal 2006

Battles, crime and court cases all feature in newly published journal

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The Brentford & Chiswick Local History Society Journal No 15, 2006 costs £5 and is available from Brentford and Chiswick libraries or Brentford & Chiswick Local History Society, 25 Hartington Road, London W4 3TL (add 60p for postage and packing).

If you are interested in Chiswick's history the Brentford and Chiswick Local History Society has meetings on the third Monday of each month at Chiswick library

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Comment on local history on the

Battles, crime and court cases all feature in articles in the newly published Brentford & Chiswick Local History Society Journal.

Well designed and illustrated throughout, the Journal features a full colour cover with an 1890s watercolour of Hogarth’s House by T M Rooke of Bedford Park and a superb imagined image of the Battle of Brentford painted by John Hassall in 1928.

Articles featured in the 2006 issue include:

The Battle of Brentford 1642 is a full account of the famous Civil War battle when the royalists defeated the parliamentarians and sacked the town of Brentford.

Fox’s ‘Extraordinarily Fine’ Chiswick Garden is a history of the garden now being brought back to horticultural life by the Chiswick House Kitchen Garden Project and also under the microscope in the plans for the restoration of the grounds of Chiswick House.

Harold Piffard, Artist and Aviator Extraordinaire recounts the hairy early 20th-century aviation experiments of this substantial artist and Bedford Park resident.

The Campaign to Save Hogarth’s House examines the social and cultural connections of the great and the good who formed the Hogarth House Preservation Committee to save Hogarth’s house from demolition in 1901.

Brentford High Street Project describes a new website which will be an invaluable resource for family and local historians.

Crime in Brentford tells of murders and other misdeeds committed by Brentford residents, taken from the Proceedings of the Old Bailey.

The Battle of Bedford Park High School recounts the underhand attempts of a Bedford Park resident to take over the lease of a school premises in order to start her own school.

Manorial Records of New Brentford contains extracts from the Minute Book of the Manor of New Brentford between 1692 and 1842.

A Century of St Faith’s is the 100 year history of the Brentford church designed by G F Bodley and C G Hare.

The Brentford & Chiswick Local History Society Journal No 15, 2006 costs £5 and is available in the Brentford and Chiswick libraries or from the Brentford & Chiswick Local History Society, 25 Hartington Road, London W4 3TL (add 60p for postage and packing).

The Brentford & Chiswick Local History Society meets on the third Monday of the month, September to May, in the Chiswick Memorial Club for talks on local subjects; outings to places of historic interest are arranged every summer.

June 26, 2006