Dukes Meadows Paddling Pool Reopens This Weekend

Free children’s events include Easter egg hunt, egg-and-spoon racing and egg painting

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The Paddling Pool at Dukes Meadows, Chiswick, will reopen on Good Friday for the summer season. Summer Fun, the very popular series of free children’s events will be run again this year, and starts on Easter Sunday with Easter egg hunt, egg-and-spoon racing, and egg painting. All events start at 11 am.

The season of Summer Fun Days will continue with visits by:

o Angela’s Rhyme Time 6th April
o Albert and Friends circus workshop 20th April
o Punch and Judy 4th May
o Amanda’s Action Kids 18th May
o The urban farm 1st June
o Donkey rides 15th June
o Amanda’s Action Kids 29th June

The Paddling Pool and events are overseen by local charity Dukes Meadows Trust. For more information or to become a member see the website at www.dukesmeadowstrust.org

March 17, 2008