Turnham Green CCTV Credited For Foiling Robbery Attempt

Four men found guilty of conspiracy to rob Marmalade Jewellry


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Chiswick Police have credited Turnham Green Terrace's CCTV cameras for helping them foil an attempted robbery at Marmalade Jewellers.

Officers were looking at CCTV in the police control room when they noticed some men acting suspiciously - donning masks and face coverings outside the shop.

Realising a robbery was imminent, the officers were able to alert colleagues from Chiswick Police Station and Turnham Green Safer Neighbourhoods Team enabling them to get to the scene quickly.

As they arrived the suspects ran off across Chiswick Common. All were detained soon afterwards.

Four men appeared at Kingston Crown Court on 26th July and pleaded guilty to conspiracy to rob the jewellers. Marcus Selby-Johnson, Pavitar Gill and Aaron & Ryan Espirit all received 2 1/2 years imprisonment for their involvement in the incident.

PS Ben Clark of Turnham Green Safer Neighbourhoods Team told ChiswickW4.com, "'In certain circumstances, Hounslow Police can take direct control of the council cameras to assist at an incident.

"In this case, the use of the cameras helped to prevent an serious crime from taking place and the sentences imposed by the court reflect the gravity of the offence.

"The crime was investigated by detectives from the Flying Squad at Barnes and I am grateful for their hard work that has resulted in this conclusion to the case, meaning that four offenders are no longer able to target businesses in Chiswick."

Cllr Ed Mayne, Hounslow’s executive member for community safety and enforcement, added, “This incident and subsequent prosecution demonstrates perfectly the importance of council CCTV in our fight against crime. We are committed to enforcing action on criminal activity in the borough, and having council CCTV in crime hotspots allows the police to respond quickly to suspicious behaviour."

August 2, 2010

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