Local Government
26 MARCH 2001
by: Director of Environmental
To inform Members of the outcome
of a transport study relating
to Chiswick Park development.
The Chiswick Business Park Development
is now underway. The first phase
is now being constructed and
the second phase will commence
shortly. When the original planning
permission was granted it was
subject to an extensive legal
agreement which was intended
to provide funding for a number
of measures including a new
passenger interchange station/alternative
public transport provision.
The New Station Trust was to
apply for planning permission
for a new interchange station
(permission granted in July
1997) or, if this was not forthcoming
by December 1999, an Alternative
Transport Trust would be formed
with the sum of up to £16m for
a 'similar project'. At the
time of the S106 agreement it
was evident that there were
mixed views on the interchange
station, and so provision was
made for a study prior to completion
of the first phase works to
assess ways to maximise the
public transport share of trips
to the site. To this end, Stanhope,
the developer, is in liaison
with the two local authorities,
Hounslow and Ealing, commissioned
a study of access improvements
to the site to:-
identify a package of fundable
transport improvements which
will minimise the development's
dependency on access by private
car; and
- ensure that the regenerative
benefits flowing from the investment
(both in the site and associated
improvements) are maximised.
Urban Initiatives was appointed
to project manage and co-ordinate
a team including Halcrow Fox,
Gibb and Greater London Enterprise
(GLE). This report presents
the fundings from the work conducted
by the team.
This study has examined the
scope for improving access to
the Chiswick Park development
by public transport and on foot
and bicycle. The primary purpose
of the work was to define an
appropriate package of investment
which could form the basis of
a revised S106 agreement between
Stanhope and Hounslow and Ealing.
The study had to, in particular,
establish whether the proposed
interchange station close to
Bollo Lane should remain as
a central element of the S106.
The study was conducted by a
team of consultants led by Urban
Initiatives as project managers.
Gibb provided advice on the
rail infrastructure issues,
while Halcrow Fox conducted
the modelling work. Greater
London Enterprise (GLE) carried
out as assessment of regeneration
and employment issues as an
input to the wider study work,
although the scope of this aspect
was reduced as it became clear
that the inter-relationship
was less than originally thought.
This report, however, has been
independently prepared by Urban
Initiatives - based on the information
generated by the other consultants
- and solely represents their
The access strategy identified
through the course of the study
has been informed by the various
proposals emerging as part of
the West London Transport Strategy
(WLTS) prepared by West London
Alliance (a grouping of the
key west London boroughs) and
WELL (a public private partnership
incorporating major business
Furthermore, the Golden Mile
Integrated Transport Group (GMITG),
a grouping of a number of major
employers in the Brentford area,
is in the process of developing
proposals at an early stage,
sought to develop synergy between
the different interests. There
is a need to continue this process.
Key Issues
A range of access issues have
been articulated in this report.
However, the key points to note
the site is already well served
by public transport in comparison
to other west London locations,
benefiting from close proximity
to five railway lines and eight
bus routes. Nevertheless there
is scope for improvement and
various options have been considered
in this study;
· the parking constraints are
such that approximately 75%
of employees will travel by
public transport or walk/cycle.
This is likely to generate in
the order of 2,300 peak hour
trips by non-car means, which
will significantly enlarge the
local "market" for
public transport services;
· stopping the Piccadilly Line
between Acton Town and Hammersmith
- either at Turnham Green or
a new station at Chiswick Park
- has been ruled out by LUL
due to the disbenefits to through
passengers. This places increased
emphasis on this connection
to Acton Town station;
· local connections to the site
are constrained by presence
of the railway lines, the nature
of neighbouring land uses and
the Gunnersbury Triangle nature
· bus routing is primarily east-west
currently, though the site can
play an important role in enabling
new north south route opportunities;
· capacity constraints elsewhere
on the rail lines are such that
the scope for change is severely
limited. The greatest opportunity
exists with the North London
Line (NLL) corridor, but even
in this instance the constraints
east of Willesden Junction are
likely to preclude an uplift
in service frequency.
Preferred Strategy
Following consideration of wide
range of improvement options
generated by both the Client
and Consultant groups, an access
strategy has been developed
which consists of:-
a new footbridge connecting
the site and Colonial Drive
as the principal means of access
to the east and Chiswick Park
LUL station. This would shorten
the walking distance between
the site and the station by
as much as 30-40%, whilst also
improving the conditions experienced
en route. It is intended that
this bridge would also cater
for cyclists. The links between
the site and Chiswick Park LUL
station are envisaged as being
of the highest quality, potentially
integrated within development
in Colonial Drive;
· development of the bus corridor
between Bollo Lane and Chiswick
High Road is viewed as a vital
component in delivering a high
quality public transport system
for the site. There is concern
that the junction arrangements
at Bollo Lane - which lie between
the two level crossings - will
inhibit bus operations, and
the scope for enhancing bus
priority should be examined
· one of the primary goals of
the bus corridor is to facilitate
a strong link between the site
and Acton Town station. Consequently,
works to improve the interface
at Acton Town is recommended,
principally focussed on accommodating
bus stops close to the station
entrance and ensuring that bus
movements beyond the station
are given appropriate priority;
· comparatively modest modifications
to existing bus services are
envisaged, such as the potential
extension of Routes 27 and 94
(which currently terminate close
to the site). Three new routes
have been proposed based on
a dialogue with London Bus Services
and reflecting discussions that
LBS has had with GMITG and WELL.
The precise routings and frequencies
are a matter for continued refinement,
but in principle the plan is
to produce a bus network connecting
to a series of local centres
(Acton, Brentford, Chiswick,
Shepherd's Bush, etc) which
results in a service frequency
between Acton Town and the site
of around 8 to 10 buses per
hour in both directions;
· Gunnersbury station is, and
will remain, an important gateway
to the site. The station is
likely to experience capacity
issues as the site is developed
and as bus linkages to the wider
area focus interchange patronage
at the station. A broad upgrade
scheme has been indicated, though
architectural studies are required
informed by a detailed operational
· this study has reinforced
the view that the proposed interchange
station on the District/NLL
offers a poor case for implementation
both strategically and in terms
of its local benefits for the
site. It is unlikely that LUL
will agree to the implementation
of the proposal and its cost
approaching £20m does not offer
value for money. However, it
is apparent that the NLL component
of the station proposal does
represent a realistic and meaningful
improvement for site access,
and provision of a new station
south of the LUL corridor linked
to both the site and Colonial
Drive is recommended.
· various permutations for improving
the frequency and coverage of
the NLL were tested and found
to provide widespread access
benefits. It is understood that
increasing the frequency on
the line by 2 trains per hour
(tph) would be possible, though
Railtrack's preferred option
is to route these "paths"
along the West London Line.
Furthermore, Silverlink is exploring
the scope for extending the
service to Kingston from Richmond.
Given that the Client group
is unlikely to control the process
it is not recommended that commitments
to improvements to the NLL are
part of any redrafted S106.
However, it is important that
the case for the improvements
is developed in liaison with
Railtrack, Silverlink and SRA.
Broad capital and revenue support
costs for the proposed access
strategy have been established,
though further work is necessary
to refine the estimates. Nevertheless,
it is expected that the proposed
capital works would cost between
£4m and £4.5m, with up to £1m
over a 3 year period allocated
to "pump-prime" the
bus services identified.
Interchange Station
The preferred access strategy
includes the provision of a
new NLL station with improved
links to Chiswick Park LUL station
in preference to the proposed
interchange station which has
previously formed the cornerstone
of the S106. See attached diagram.
The reasoning behind this recommendation
LUL has repeatedly stated that
the Piccadilly Line would not
stop at a station between Acton
Town and Hammersmith. This has
recently been re-stated as the
case and follows a review of
the case for stopping at Turnham
Green regularly. Indeed it is
likely that if an additional
stop were to be added that it
would be at Turnham Green and
not a new Chiswick Park station
as the platforms are already
in place and the spacing between
stops would be more appropriate;
· none of the consultees within
the transport undertakings (TfL3,
LUL, Railtrack, SRA and Silverlink)
saw a strategic case for the
station and would be unlikely
to contribute funding;
· whilst a new District Line
station would improve access
to the site, improved links
to Chiswick Park station via
Colonial Drive would capture
the bulk of the benefits without
incurring the costs associated
with the station or the disbenefits
to through passengers;
· locating the NLL station further
south improves links to the
site, reduces potential problems
with South Acton station and
the level crossings on Bollo
Lane, increases the scope to
abstract traffic from Gunnersbury
station, and reduces the impact
on residential properties;
· the accessibility modelling
has indicated that the NLL station
- in concert with the Colonial
Drive link and improved bus
package - would produce comparable
access benefits for a greatly
reduced cost and with minimal
risks; and
· forecasts for interchange
movements has shown that interchange
is a small absolute and relative
component of usage, while the
good linkage between the proposed
NLL station and Chiswick Park
was found to attract roughly
half of the usage of the full
interchange station.
The key recommendations arising
from the study are therefore:-
I. The Client group to endorse
the preferred access strategy
and infrastructure components
and to consult as appropriate
on the proposed changes.
II. LUL/TfL to be notified of
Client Group decision regarding
the interchange station and
a response concerning the possible
future provision of the District
Line component obtained.
III. Develop proposals for a
"proximity" interchange
in liaison with TfL and seek
contributory funding for improvement
IV. Agree joint bus network
and infrastructure proposals
with GMITG for detailed discussions
with LBS and agreement to service
specification and funding arrangements.
V. Liaison with Silverlink,
Railtrack and BSI to establish
upgrade programme for Gunnersbury
VI. Develop proposals for the
new NLL station in liaison with
the SRA Silverlink and Railtrack.
VII. Reassess capital and revenue
support costs.
VIII. Redraft S106 based on
agreed improvements and costs.
IX. Develop complementary travel
plan measures in liaison with
employers for the management
of on-site parking, the promotion
of public transport usage, cycle
facilities and so on.
The improvements set out above
will provide benefits for the
Local residents - improved local
links to and through the site
and greater public transport
- Local businesses - improved
public transport access to the
local area for employees and
customers alike.
- Employers within Chiswick
Park development - improved
ease of access to work by public
- Commuters - improved access
to bus and rail service linking
West London to the rest of the
Officers together with the developer
Stanhope PLC organise a consultation
exercise on the proposals.
Subject to the response and
Area Committees endorsement
of proposals, these to be advanced
through detailed feasibility
studies in liaison with the
transport operators.
Once the feasibility work has
been successfully concluded,
a revised S106 agreement will
be established (subject to approval
by Sustainable Development Committee)
and the improvements implemented.
The Borough Treasurer comments
that if consultation is key
for the Council in taking forward
the process of moving from the
old Trust proposal to a revised
Section 106 agreement. This
will have the benefit of bringing
forward the capital monies in
an administratively more efficient
The cost of the consultation
will be met by the developer.