Bulletin from the team: We made it home!

Dear beautiful clients,
So we made it home from our walking challenge ! And we arrived 2 days ahead of schedule, in 3 months we’ve virtually walked 3045 miles between the 6 of us her at Marmalade.
In only 90 days we walked from Chiswick to Seville and back again, over 12,000 steps each, every single day for 3 months!!!!
Apart from being exhausted, the most amazing thing is that when we have calculated all the donations we have raised over £10,000 for The Upper Room, a local charity dedicated to supporting and providing hot meals for those most needy in our community.
£10,000 will provide over 12,000 hot meals – imagine that????
As you can imagine we are over the moon with this result – the challenge was so much harder than we all anticipated when we started, but to raise so much money is simply beyond our wildest dreams.
We had loads of fantastic encouragement and support from our co-workers, clients, friends and the jewellery trade.
There are too many individual donations from supportive and generous clients to name them all, but you know who you are and are and The Upper Room and their clients thank you – you’ve made a positive impact on your community.
We know our hard work and all the generosity of our benefactors will be put to amazing use and will help change the lives of those most in need.
It’s inspiring to live and work in a community where people are quick and generous to respond to challenges and requests such as these.
If anyone still wants to donate the charity page is still open for the whole of September - donate now.
A snapshot of their charity…

We have raised over £10,000!
With big love.
Simon, Nadine and all at Marmalade.
September 2, 2023