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The first reaction I receive when I tell people I make people fit in just 20 minutes per week, is one of disbelief.
“Is that really possible?”, people ask. This is an obvious first question that comes to someone’s mind and to tell you the truth, I was skeptical myself when I first heard about fit20. I was training 3 times per week, so what difference could 20 minutes per week really make.
What I realise now is that it all depends on your objectives. In case you want to be a bodybuilder, fit20 might not be the right concept for you, but in case you want to get stronger, more toned, fitter, healthier and more energetic, continue reading.
So what do we do different at fit20 Chiswick and how does it work?
Our bodies are very effective machines and have mastered the concept of saving energy. If your body has the option to save energy, it will. The only way to change this is by challenging your body/muscles consistently. At fit20 we do this as follows:
• Intensity over quantity
Instead of doing a lot of repetitions, we do just one exercise per body part, but at a very high intensity. Your muscles will be pushed a little beyond their current maximum capacity and you will reach the point of temporarily muscle failure, in other words: you are unable to perform one more repetition. This will provide some strong signals to your body:
1. Your muscles get a strong impulse to improve itself and to avoid "failing" next time.
2. Since you reach temporary muscle failure, your body will start using all energy sources available in your body. This will continue even after the workout.
• Slow motion movements
Every repetition at fit20 is performed in slow motion which will have three main advantages:
1. The muscles will do all the work, so we are minimizing momentum.
2. Lower risk of injuries since there are no unexpected movements.
3. Lower the impact on joints, ligaments tendons making it ideal for all ages and abilities
(and we really mean it)
• Always with personal trainer
“When the going gets tough, the tough get going” unfortunately does not apply to most people. That’s where your personal trainer will step in and push you to continue for a bit longer and really get the most out of your session. Most of our clients experience in their first session that although they only train for 20 minutes, those 20 minutes will be some of the hardest during their week. Your personal trainer will also make sure that you perform all exercises in good form to get the best result out of your training and avoid injuries.
• Sufficient rest
If you push your body to its limit, your body needs time to recover. That is why we only train once per week. A common question asked is whether clients should do multiple sessions per week, interestingly enough, this can in the long-term lead to worse results.
What are the main benefits of fit20:
- Just one 20-minute training session per week
- Your own personal trainer
- A regular weekly session time
- No need to change clothes or shower
- Noticeable and measurable results within 3 months
Coming to the end of this article, I am quite sure, the above sounds nice and interesting, but you might still not be 100% convinced. The only way to find out is to try it yourself!
We would love to invite you to a completely FREE, no-obligation introductory fit20 training session.
Simply enter your details in the form and we will be in touch with you shortly:
You don’t have to be fit to start, but you need to start to get fit!
Attila Leb
Studio Owner fit20 Chiswick
February 1, 2024