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St Michaels' has a long musical tradition and supports a fine four-part choir directed by its organist, Oliver West. The traditional choral repertoire extends from early plainchant dating back deep into the first millennium; right through to contemporary works. 

Polyphonic Tudor composers, such as Thomas Tallis and William Byrd feature strongly, along with later, classical works. Also many fine anthems and settings from the 20th Century 'English' School of Britten, Stanford, Parry, Vaughan Williams etc are well represented, as are contemporary composers like John Taverner, George Fenton and Cecilia McDowall. Indeed, over the past year, the choir has sung a different Mass setting on each occasion - ranging from the early Missa de Angelis through Palestrina, Byrd and Gibbons to the 20th century composer, Langlais.

The choir sings at a 10am Mass and evensong each month (normally on the 3rd Sunday) and additionally, at every Feast Day - on average, one service per week through the year. In addition, the choir itself celebrates the evening office - Compline - each Tuesday at 8pm. This is an ancient plainchant rite - a perfect way for homeward-bound commuters to unwind from 21st Century stress, and to be instantly transported back through a thousand years. 

Also, St Michaels' thriving junior choir of more than forty members is much loved by local children from six to sixteen. Phoebe Woollam, its leader, welcomes all young voices regardless of denomination. The junior choir sings at family services - 10am on the first Sunday of the month. 

As well as the choirs, several other local musical groups and soloists - string, wind and voice - perform as part of many services. 

A special event in the musical year is the annual Festival Mass - a very rare opportunity to experience a complete Orchestral Mass - with full orchestra, top soloists and extended choir - performed in it's correct liturgical setting as part of a normal act of worship, rather than as the customary, paying concert. - Geoff Callister

For secular music and arts events at St Michaels, click here.