Two out of Three for Will to Win

Opposing teams feel the force of Chiswick's tennis champs


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Sports in Chiswick

Chiswick’s local tennis team Will to Win recorded two wins from three in their most recent outings.

Ealing felt the force of a 22-2 drubbing at the Chiswick House grounds venue followed by a closer 14-10 victory away at Brentham.

This Saturday the team of Gavin Balance, Mark Belcher, Rob Tower, Christian Gallan, Toby Armstrong and Phill Tait narrowly lost out 5-4 in the Middlesex Cup final away at Bush Hill Park despite having a tie-break to win it.

The very popular summer kid’s camps run by the Will to Win team are nearly full, for last minute places call Rob Tower on 020 8994 1466

July 11, 2006