Chiswick Moran's Robert Russell Takes On London Marathon Challenge

We find out why he's joining the ranks of runners this year rather than just watching them pass

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Chiswick Moran Hotel's Robert Russell will be running the London Marathon this year for Diabetes UK.

Here he tells why, "This year the Flora London Marathon has announced that it will have a very strong field of runners, from Olympic medalists to world record holders to the UK’s very own Paula Radcliffe going for her umpteenth title and to top it all off, ME!

"Having grown up in London and every year watched as the many thousand souls who put themselves through the pain of the marathon have trotted past me whilst I slowly raised the latest pint to my lips and clapped them on their way and wondered why they do it, I’ve decided that now is the time to join their ranks and give it a go for myself!

"I made the decision to run not because I was going through a midlife crises (well ok, I possibly am a little) but more because it was a great excuse to lose some weight and I wanted to do something good and raise some money for a good cause.

"The cause that I have chosen is Diabetes UK and my reason for choosing this charity is that my wife Katja has had Diabetes for over 15 years and I see every day how it affects her day to day life, and she is one of the lucky one’s who has controlled diabetes. We also saw first how diabetes affected our daughter Amelia when she was born and how without the research and developments in Diabetes management her life could have been very different.

"Millions of people around the world are affected with Diabetes and over 2 million in the UK alone are affected although it is suspected that many more have the condition but just don’t know it. Did you know that:-

• 100 amputations a week are caused by diabetes – all are unnecessary
• 1 million people in the UK are blind because of diabetic retinopathy – their sight could have been saved
• 220,000 deaths a year from coronary heart disease and kidney disease, nearly all caused by diabetes.

"All money raised is going towards research to cure Diabetes as well as care for those already suffering and in particular to the large number of young children who are affected by the disease every year.

"Should you be so kind as to sponsor me you can find my form on:-
if you’d like to keep up to date with my training or post some encouraging comments I have a facebook group which is:- MARATHON 2009 PLACE SECURED RUN FATBOY RUN!!!!

"Please don’t feel obliged to sponsor me but should you wish to donate and you live and work in the UK please don’t forget to tick for gift aid! All donations are greatly appreciated and if you are in London on the day I’m aiming at a finish time in the region of 5 hours!"

Robert Russell

March 19, 2009