Balancing Body and Mind

A practical guide to inner harmony at Chiswick Town Hall

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Friday 10.45-12.00 24th April – 22 May at Chiswick Town Hall Council Chambers. £45 for 5 session (payable in advance – place limited)

For more information, please contact: Maria Elliott, 07958 169 410, or
Davina Lloyd, 0208 248 5866,


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When the weather’s lousy, everything on the news is dreadful and our stress levels seem to be increasing by the day, is it possible to achieve any kind of inner peace (without running away to an ashram)? The team at Balancing Bodymind say an emphatic “yes”.

They offer a practical five week course, with each one-hour session combining elements of meditation, yoga, Pilates and breathing techniques: a unique mix of disciplines that calms the mind and gently moves and relaxes the body.

Each session focuses on a theme for meditation and discussion, with past topics including anxiety, forgiveness and jealousy.

The course is led by two experienced practitioners: Maria Elliott, a 20-year qualified physiotherapist and Pilates expert, and Davina Lloyd, a personal development coach and experienced meditator.

Previous course participants have found the weekly sessions, and the suggested home practice, beneficial for dealing with illness, pain and the general stresses and strains of living in the 21st century.



April 8, 2009