Chiswick Local Competes In 'Disaster Chef' Final

Laura hopes to win prize as most improved amateur cook in UK


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Chiswick resident, Laura Grant has made it to the final of a cookery competition for 'Disaster Cooks'.

25 year old marketing professional, Laura, originally from Essex, is a real foodie and, living in London, loves discovering new dishes about town but she struggles to recreate them at home.

Laura finally learns to make a quiche

Laura recently tried recreating a Caribbean curried goat recipe, which resulted in blackened meat, an exploding Pyrex dish and an unhappy boyfriend when he discovered a forkful of glass! Laura's hoping the Disaster Chef competition will give her the help she needs to turn her culinary ambitions into reality.

Laura was chosen to compete against 14 other disastrous chefs in the hope of turning her culinary skills around. Laura’s journey, where she tries out dishes from cheese quiche to roulades, can be followed on where you can watch Laura’s cooking skills and confidence grow over the past six weeks. This weekend she goes head to head in the Disaster Chef live final, competing for a £4,000 prize package in front of judges including former Cold Feet and Spooks star, Hermione Norris.

Hermione comments: “It’s fantastic to see such a large number of entrants for the Kenwood Disaster Chef competition, but who knew there were so many terrible cooks out there? I wish the fifteen contestants the best of luck and hope to pick up some tips myself along the way. ”

Laura, along with the 14 other shortlisted Disaster Chefs received; a Kenwood Chef SENSE to help her along her gastronomic adventure, a camera to capture her progress and weekly ingredients for the new dishes she had to learn. Video tutorials were posted online regularly to help the aspiring 15, and any other hopeless cooks who wished to follow their progress and learn key kitchen skills.

A judging panel consisting of actress and self-confessed ‘Disaster Chef’, Hermione Norris, Kenwood Development Chef, Martin Johns and, SORTED chef, Ben Ebbrell, will choose a winner of the competition at the live final this weekend at AVEQIA in central London. The Disaster Chef who impresses the most with their new found skills and confidence will be crowned the Kenwood Chef 2014.

The winner will walk away with a host of prizes including a kitchen makeover from Symphony Kitchens worth £3,000, a cookery course worth £500, and a selection of additional Kenwood products to the value of £500.

December 4, 2014

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