Chiswick Locals Can Still Use Townmead Recycling

Clarification over new 'proof of address' which starts in New Year


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Residents from Chiswick can still continue to take rubbish and recycling to the Richmond site in Townmead Road, despite new regulations seeking " proof of residence".

Local people were worried about a new sign stipulating that proof of address would be required from January 1st, fearing that the centre might be only available to Richmond residents.

However, councillor John Todd has clarified the situation for Chiswick locals.

Under the West London Waste Authority reciprocal arrangement residents can take waste to their nearest site -this covers three boroughs including Hounslow.

Cllr Todd said: " I'm 'delighted that Chiswick residents can continue to enjoy this  facility'. Recycling is crucial to reduce our land fill tax obligations."

Richmond Council have advised that proof of address may be required from 1st Jan. The first occasion will be a request to bring something next time.

It is understood that the measure has been introduced due to people from outside the borough attempting to bring in commercial waste claiming to be residents.
Information on the Council website HERE ) states that the proof of ID includes;


  • Driving licence
  • Council Tax bill
  • Utility bill
  • Residents parking sticker
  • Richmond Card
  • Bank/credit card statement

You will need to carry photo ID to prove residency if you are delivering household waste in a hired van.


December 13, 2013

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