Sgt Dave Turtle's advice is not to give money to beggars
Sgt Dave Turtle is Beat Manager for the Turnham Green ward and has written this blog about his work.
Spring has finally sprung and the clocks have gone forward. It has been a busy few weeks in Chiswick. My team has continued to move beggars on from local shops. Your kindness could kill as giving money can fuel drug or alcohol addictions. St Mungo's charity occasionally are called out by us to arrange accommodation for genuine rough sleepers.
A few weeks ago I attended the Hounslow Deanery meeting at St Michael's and All Angels in Chiswick with Mr Kohli our Borough Commander. It was pleasing to hear how local church projects were helping vulnerable people such as the voluntary scheme for temporary emergency housing for men in the Chiswick area. This is vital when London Borough of Hounslow run out of options.
Over a week ago I attended an event at Auschwitz with a Jewish Travel Agency from North London. A number of the Shomrim, volunteer Jewish guardians, and senior Met Officers came along. It was a very emotive visit. We must strive to fight injustice and prejudice wherever it emerges.
I also want to thank the Chiswick Fire station officers who helped us to evict an unlawful occupier in Chiswick. A friendly fireman knocking at the door caught them off guard ! I also managed to persuade Quadrant Housing, the new owners of the derelict BT Exchange, off Chiswick Roundabout to secure their site. This was after travellers occupied the land with a number of vehicles. If you see a potential illegal incursion, please call us on 101 so we can take steps to prevent further issues.
You also follow all my news on my Twitter account.
April 1, 2016