Sgt Dave Turtle has written a blog about his week
Sgt Dave Turtle, who is Beat Manager for the Turnham Green district has written about a week in his life.
A busy week this week. Tuesday spent policing Brentford FC versus Huddersfield at a 7.45 pm kick off. There to prevent disorderly behaviour outside the ground and to stop anti-social behaviour in the surrounding streets. One man ejected for being drink and disorderly, Escorted away from the streets to the railway station.
Wednesday afternoon spent patrolling Chiswick High Road, speaking to retailers and giving crime prevention advice. Joined colleagues from Roads Policing in Chiswick High Road in delivering Operation Safeway. This is a means of advising motorists and other road users through Engagement, Education and Enforcement, of their responsibilities under the Road Traffic Act. Stopped three cyclists who had sped through red traffic lights. When I advised them of this they became angry and refused to accept their offences. Please take extra care when approaching traffic signals and make every effort to slow down and/or stop. The whole purpose of this is to prevent the number of cycle deaths on London roads. This operation will carry on for at least the next four weeks. I also called into the Stamford Brook Bus Garage to chat with bus drivers and listen to their concerns over local road users. The most common complaint was cyclists trying to overtake buses from the inside lane ! I also warned them about paying attention at the wheel.
Thursday afternoon, Controller at Hounslow Police Station dealing with all calls involving neighbourhood issues across the Borough. There were the usual neighbourhood disputes and welfare visits for missing people. Off Friday and then in on Saturday for Miss Naysmith's funeral at St Michael's and All Angels. I may see some of you there. Stay safe.
March 6, 2015