A Week In The Life Of A Chiswick Councillor

Sam Hearn discusses issues of local interest


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Cllr Sam Hearn, who represents the Riverside ward in Chiswick, is chairman of the Chiswick Area Forum. He has written this account of his life as a busy local councillor.

Saturday – 25th October: Researching queries from residents and discussing local ward issues such as Wheelie Bins and CPZ consultations with colleagues. Hope springs eternal.

Monday – 27th October : Doing my “homework” for meetings later in the week.

Tuesday – 28th October: In the Civic Centre to attend the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee as it reviewed the proposals for detailed Budget Savings before they are discussed by the Hounslow Cabinet on 4th November. Additional savings and cuts of £59m are required over the next four years. The meeting was well attended by Cabinet Members and other councillors but despite this being a public meeting sadly only officers and councillors appear to be in the chamber. A sober business like atmosphere prevailed. Strangely only half the Scrutiny Committee members actually asked any questions.

Wednesday – 29th October: Out on the streets of my Ward canvassing with a cheerful band of volunteers. We were able to try out some new software down loaded on to tablets and other portable devices. Happily everything worked well and we all survived the passing showers. Residents seemed nearly as impressed as me with the “new” technology.

Thursday – 30th October: Back at the Civic Centre to discuss the draft agenda for the next Area Forum Meeting with our super dedicated Committee Clerk. We will experiment with bringing the public forum element forward to 8.00 pm to encourage more participation by residents.

October 31, 2014

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