A Week In The Life Of A Chiswick Councillor

Planning rows, traffic problems and a chocolate fountain


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Cllr Sam Hearn, who represents the Riverside ward in Chiswick, was recently elected chairman of the Chiswick Area Forum. He has written this account of his life as a busy local councillor.

Tuesday 15th July: Second Borough Council meeting since the May election and already dealing with weighty matters such as the Compulsory Purchasing Order required to make the Brentford Football Stadium a reality and the Ofsted Report into the Inspection of Services for Children in Need of Help and Protection etc. Both matters debated in a constructive manner. Interesting to see that the Administration have taken counsel’s opinion on whether or not their failure to obtain the permission of the EU Commission to the massive indirect subsidy being given to the football stadium project breached European Law.

Wednesday 16th July: Attended a meeting of the Chiswick Pier Trust as one of the Council appointed trustees.

One topic–the application by the freeholder to extend the first floor of the existing building at the former Pissarro restaurant and erect a new three storey structure that will facilitate the creation of several new flats and associated parking at Corney Reach. The application has been called in by Cllr Oulds for consideration at the Chiswick Area Forum in September.

Saturday 19th July: Joined the happy throng at the Civic Centre Mayor’s Inaugural Dinner. These events are very hard to describe if you have never been to one. I really enjoyed the solo saxophonist, the chocolate fountain, the South Asian food, the two live owls and the company of Chiswick residents Dharma Tarmang and his wife.

Monday 21st July: Scrutiny Panel training at The Civic Centre. A real willingness to make the scrutiny process work even in the situation where one party has such a dominant position.

Through the Week: Regular email correspondence with Officers about Ward issues including the rush traffic problems in Sutton Road south. A resolution appears imminent.

July 25, 2014

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