Rejection For Bigger Porsche Sales Centre In Chiswick |
Local group hail Council's decision to turn down revised plan
Campaigning local Chiswick residents have welcomed the news that Hounslow Council has refused the revised plans for the redevelopment of the Porsche Sales Centre site. The 'Push Off Porsche' campaign was launched in February 2013 to oppose two new major Porsche developments beside the A4. The plan for a new After Sales centre on the old Diary Crest site on Sutton Lane North was granted planning permission, but a plan to extend the existing Sales Site building over their present open-air car park alongside the A4 was not. In October Porsche submitted revised plans for a two storey extension on the Sales Site which local residents argued had still failed to address their objections around the scale, mass and impact of the building as well as traffic flow concerns. The resubmitted plans were recently formally rejected by the planning department because ‘the proposed development, by reason of size, scale, design and materials would not preserve the setting of the Wellesley Road Conservation Area and would adversely impact on the amenity of neighbouring properties through a loss of outlook and oppressive impact’ Barrowgate Road resident Fintan Coyle said, “We are very relieved that the proposed two-storey development to be built at the ends of our gardens has been rejected for a second time. We are disappointed though that Porsche have not engaged with us at all since February 2013. We suspect that the developer’s next move will be to formally appeal against the decision, so the fight will go on. It’s a campaign we are determined to win as family homes are simply much more important than an extension to a luxury car showroom.
November 22, 2013 ![]()