'Georgian Office Block' on Chiswick High Road Rejected

Planners rule it would be harmful to significance of Foster's Book Shop


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A scheme that would have seen the development of a four storey 'Georgian style office-block' on Chiswick High Road is to be rejected by borough planners.

A planning application had been made to demolish the building beside Foster's Bookshop but it was felt that the demolition and rebuilding would have a harmful impact on the neighbouring Grade II listed building.

The proposed size, scale and design of the building would have failed to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the Chiswick High Road Conservation Area according to Council planners.

The application was to demolish 181, Chiswick High Road and completely rebuild. The developers proposed to rebuild in a Georgian style, which they said would have been in keeping with the adjacent bookshop.

February 26, 2016

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