Fears of Brentford Stadium Impact On Kew Gardens |
Mayor requests developers carry out a visual assessment
The Mayor's office has expressed concern that insufficient attention has been paid to the potential impact on the Kew World Heritage Site of the tall buildings which are part of the 'enabling development' alongside the proposed new Brentford Football Stadium. The lack of social housing in the plan has also been criticised. In his response on the plan to Hounslow Council, the deputy-mayor Sir Edward Lister said: "Whilst recognising the potential contribution of the enabling residential development to deliver the full scheme, the Deputy Mayor remains concerned that no affordable housing would be provided in such a large quantum (910 units) of accommodation and that a financial viability appraisal had not been included in the electronic or hard copies of the documents submitted in support of the referral." The Brentford Football Club submitted its planning application last May to Hounslow Council for a proposed move to a new purpose-built stadium at Lionel Road. The scheme is now smaller than the plans originally shown to the public with most of the tower blocks in the 'enabling' development being reduced in size by two or three storeys and the number of flats down from 980 to 910. The tallest tower will now be 16 storeys or 61 metres high. The stadium itself remains with a capacity of 20,000 seats. The flats will be mainly one or two bedroom and, as the stadium is considered a community benefit, there is unlikely to be any social housing component and it is not expected that any significant S106 payments will be required to be made The Mayor's office has requested that a full visual impact assessment be submitted due to the proximity of Kew Gardens. London GLA member for Hounslow, Kingston and Richmond, Tony Arbour said: “I am particularly glad that Boris Johnson feels that the impact of the development on the Kew Gardens World Heritage is an important strategic priority- this significant proposal needs the most careful consideration and I will urge The Mayor to continue to consider the interests of the whole community.
August 2, 2013 ![]()