Mary Macleod Visits Chiswick Church Group |
Talks to St Andrew's Fellowship about her life in politics
Local MP Mary Macleod visited the St. Andrew’s Fellowship at Christ Church, Turnham Green to talk about her life as a member of Parliament. Over 20 members of the fellowship came to listen and said they were very impressed with her commitment and passion for political life. Mary Macleod MP and on each side of her are Simon Rodway and Ruth Coles(Co-Chairs of St Andrew's), on the far left of the photo is Margaret Pickford(a long standing member of St Andrew's) and on the far right is Jill Spencer(Church Administrator). The MP for Brentford and Isleworth spoke of how her father had been a Church Minister in Scotland who believed one should lead a life of service to others. He took a stand against evil and she said he believed that one should take up all opportunities offered in life. This had inspired her as she grew up, she said. She told of how in 1997 she stood against Charles Kennedy, the Liberal Democrat leader, but did not win the seat but felt that her subsequent entry into the business world stood her in good stead. At one stage of her life when she was employed as an adviser in Buckingham Palace, she had to offer some advice on a university for Prince William in Scotland. Thus, she was in some way indirectly responsible for his meeting Kate Middleton, she felt. The audience were also amused when she said that on coming to live in London she wanted to find a quiet, almost rural area and moved to Shepherds Bush as she thought this sounded like a quiet place to live. She said she believed people should know who their local MP is and she makes every effort to meet local people and discuss their concerns. Mary is PPS to Maria Millar, Minister for Culture, media, Sport and Women, all areas of which she has a personal interest. She also works hard on the issue of Heathrow Airport. Asked if she was ever recognised when out and about she replied “ Oh yes, but that’s when I am with Boris”. The Chair of the St. Andrew's Fellowship, Simon Rodway said: " I was particularly impressed by her compassionate approach to issues in Chiswick. She asked for support for the new St. Margarets hostel and has a keen interest in it.”. April 11, 2013