Who Made A Difference in Chiswick in 2010?

Pauline Hart voted as the person who made the most valuable contribution to community last year


Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something - Author Unknown

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give - Winston Churchill

You must be the change you wish to see in the world - Mahatma Ghandi


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When we asked if there someone you know who has made a positive contribution to the Chiswick community in 2010, we had no idea how many names would be submitted.

It seems that our community is blessed with quite a number of local unsung heroes whether they be neighbours, friends, local shop keepers, fellow parishioners or charity workers.

The common link is that all those nominated go about their work in an unassuming manner with no desire for self promotion.

Pauline Hart, who along with her daughter Leanne has organised Pensioners Alone at Christmas for the past 26 years, was the obvious favourite receiving the majority of votes. She will receive a bottle of champagne to enjoy during a well deserved rest if she ever will take one!

Tying for second spot were Bedford Park favourites Mr Lad (Mistry) and Torin Douglas.

Below is a table of all the top local heroes who made a difference in Chiswick in 2010:

Local Hero

Comments (taken from nominations)


Pauline Hart

For her unstinting work with Pensioners Alone at Christmas

Torin Douglas

For his unparalleled work for St Michael and All Angels Church, The Chiswick Book festival, The Bedford Park Festival and Green Days

Mr Lad (Mistry)

A great role model to the community and he shall be greatly missed.

Steve Bamford

A pillar of the community for whom ‘nothing is too much trouble’

Sarah Speake

For making a ‘huge difference to many bereaved parents’ with her local support group

Andrew Dodge

Chair of Governors at Chiswick Community School for past seven years

Jane Watson

For her ‘sterling work’ as the Archivist at St Nicholas Church

Marie of Marie’s Stores

‘She is a real local unsung hero’

February 2, 2011