The Buddha’s Life And Teachings |
Ten week course at The London Buddhist Vihara
The Buddha’s Life And Teachings A 10 week course starting Thursday 1st October from 7.00pm 1st October - Ancestors of the Buddha 8th October - Setting the Wheel in motion 15th October - The Buddha’s chief disciples 22nd October - The Buddha’s last days and his Mahaparinibbana 29th October - The First and Second Noble Truths 5th November - The Third and Fourth Noble Truths 12th November - The Theory of Kamma and Rebirth 19th November - Mind, Body and the theory of “No Soul” 26th November - The Wheel of Life, Death and Rebirth 3rd December - The goals and methods of Buddhist meditation Course Tutor - Julian Wall Please Note: The London Buddhist Vihara makes no charge for any of its courses. However as the running costs for maintaining such a centre are great, voluntary contributions may be made towards the upkeep and maintenance of these facilities and towards the well-being of the monks.
September 8, 2009