Footballs For Fun Celebrates Fifth Year of Fund-raising | |||||
Chiswick charity host concert featuring The London Chorus and conductor Ronald Corp
Chiswick based charity, Footballs For Fun, celebrates its fifth year with a fund-raising Reception and Concert, in South Africa House and St Martin-in-the-Fields, Trafalgar Square on 25th June. John and Sue Haycock, Chiswick residents for over 20 years, started the charity in 2004, on the weekend it was announced that South Africa would hold the World Cup in 2010. "When we realised how important an event this was, we decided to try to help the millions of children in Africa for whom the World Cup would make no difference, by asking tourists going on holiday or safari to take a football, and give it away". "But in addition, £2 from every ball sold goes to helping needy children, so we create fun and help those less fortunate, in both senses of the word" said Sue. You can buy a ball on line– or better still come to either or both of the Reception at 17:30 in South Africa House – tickets are £50 and include drinks and a party buffet, best seats in the church and the after-concert Reception. The Concert, featuring The London Chorus and conductor Ronald Corp, will perform Missa Luba and the ever-popular Carmina Burana; Darius Brubeck will also perform a jazz set especially for the charity. Tickets, from £25 to £6, are available on-line from or phone the box office, 020 7766 1100. Or contact John or Sue at 020 8994 3013 for more information. June 11, 2009 |