Cercle Francais de Chiswick

A series of meetings on all things French

Events in Chiswick


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Le Cercle Francais de Chiswick welcomes French speakers, Francophiles and students of all ages.  

They usually meet on the second Friday of each month and meetings are held in the Raphael Room of St Michael of all Angels Church, just across Bath Road from Turnham Green tube.

Starting at around 6.30pm giving time for a chat and a drink (wine, of course!) before the 'conferencier' begins promptly at 7pm.

For more information please email joan@blackham01.freeserve.co.uk or call 07956 245438.





9 mars

Thierry Viennois

Champollion et la naissance de l'Egyptologie

13 avril

Pascal Hajaali

Un panorama de la politique française de 1940 à nos jours

11 mai

Eric Birlouez

Festins princiers et repas paysans au Moyen-Age et à la Renaissance

1 juin

Sa ida Goutel

Champagne: de Napol é on 1 à la Belle Epoque

6 juillet

Fête de Clôture



February 23, 2012