4 February 2002

To: Mr Ken Simms
Michael Aukett Architects
Atlantic Court
77 Kings Road
London SW3 4NX

Dear Mr Simms,

Chiswick West development @ Gunnersbury W4


The architect's design for the development

I was contacted recently by your Project Spokesperson - Steve Bartlett - regarding your planning application to develop the above site. He invited me to tell you what the West Chiswick and Gunnersbury Society would want from the development.

The Management Committee agreed to raise it at our public meeting on 30 January, which was attended by over 100 people. The matter was discussed at length. It was unanimously agreed I should respond to Steve Bartlett's request as set out below.

1. The Society is not opposed to a reasonable development in character with the area in terms of scale, size and type.

2. It is totally opposed, however, to the development submitted for 391 to 409 and 586 to 596 Chiswick High Road. It is completely out of character with the area and contrary to Hounslow's Unitary Development Plan.

3. We cannot comment on the proposed development of Gunnersbury Station, as we have not seen the proposals. Whilst we are not opposed, in principle, to development of the station, we would want this to be done in the first phase of the development. We would also wish to see written confirmation from Railtrack and the train operating companies that they support the nature and style of development proposed. We also want to be consulted on the proposals for developing the station.

4. We would like clarification on how the traffic and parking issues that will arise will be resolved in line with the Mayor's Transport Strategy for London. In particular, how better and more public transport will be promoted and car usage reduced.

5. We consider that further office development along this part of Chiswick High Road is unnecessary, given the amount that already exists, or planned, for the area. Any development planned should be mixed in nature to create a sustainable development.

6. There should be meaningful and ongoing consultation with the local community at each major stage of the development.

7. The development must not exceed 4 storeys, except where close to existing 3 storey residential properties, where it should be of the same height as their roof-line.

8. The local authority's requirements in respect of proximity of the development to existing residential properties of 21 metres should be observed.

9. Preventive measures to protect both the building and local community from terrorism should be included - given the events of 11 September 2001 in New York.

10. The existing residential properties between the John Bull public house and the corner of Silver Crescent should be retained and used for housing purposes.

11. The existing façade of the John Bull public house should be retained and integrated into any development on that site.

12. The existing house at 409 Chiswick High Road be retained and used for housing.

13. At least six A1 & A3 retail units to be provided on the site of 391 to 407 Chiswick High Road. The present occupiers to be consulted on the nature of these units.

14. The total residential units should consist of at least 50% affordable housing in line with the Mayor's strategy; and should include adequate parking provision.

15. A building for community use should be provided at the Chiswick High Road end of Silver Crescent with a play area and managed by trustees appointed for that purpose.

16. Section 106 planning gain monies should be used for the area and spent in consultation with the local community.

It is the view of the Society that a development on the lines set out above would accord with the wishes of the local community. The Society considers it proposals to be feasible and sustainable. Yet it will provide a reasonable return to the developer and demonstrate commitment to the local community.

I shall be sending a copy of this letter to Ian Draper at Hounslow Council, Tony Arbour - Chair of GLA Planning, MPs and Councillors for the area as well as the local press.

Yours sincerely,

Terry Thorn
Chair of the Society

Minutes of Meeting of Local residents

Opposition Grows to Chiswick West

Full Text of Letter of Objection from Peter Eversden

Sample Letter of Objection from local resident

Spokesman for Developer Urges Residents to View Plans Before Deciding

Comment on this issue on the Chiswick Discussion Forum

Transport Plans for Chiswick Business Park

Your local Council Representatives

Contact details for your MP