New Group Formed To Redesign The Cycle Superhighway |
Local residents and concerned parties say 'Ditch It Or Switch It' A new group of local businesses and residents from W4 and W6 has been formed with the intent of redesigning the Cycle Superhighway.The group, RedesignCS9 is launching a public campaign to set out their concerns about the impact of the cycle lane in the area. Their slogan is " Ditch It Or Switch It." They say they are not political and represent a growing group of residents, business owners and community leaders who would like to see "a more collaborative and through initiative being undertaken to improve cycling infrastructure." Some of the group's complaints are that the current scheme discriminates against pedestrians and public transport users "with little evidence of demand or key impact assessments undertaken", that it creates a dangerous obstacle course for pedestrians, especially the old, infirm, those with mobility issues, auditory and sight impairment; pushchair users and the very young, and that bus journey times, pollution, traffic congestion and noise levels will rise as a result. You can read more here. On January 11 representatives of the group met with Councillor Steve Curran, Leader of Hounslow Council, who confirmed to them that a decision will not be taken until the summer at the earliest, and that the Council is still open to letters and views from members of the community regards the proposed Cycle Superhighway. "RedesignCS9 is urgently seeking to raise wider local awareness about the Tfl scheme and to air the views of hundreds of local residents and business owners in Chiswick and Hammersmith. Many have never been informed of the public consultation by Tfl, despite claims of “an extensive marketing and community engagement campaign.” The group maintains that the Tfl consultation, which opened on September 21 and closed on October 31 2017, was not transparent and says that obvious interest groups that should have been consulted were not. Tfl is due to publish a report about its consultation next month (February). Several petitions opposing the current plans have since been launched. "We welcome Hounslow Council’s deferment of a decision on CS9 which allows for a serious rethink of the current proposals. RedesignCS9 will now be launching a public campaign to set out our concerns and better inform local residents and businesses of the impact of a cycle superhighway running through Hammersmith to Chiswick. Cllr Curran and head of traffic and transport for Hounslow, Mark Frost, have told us that the Council is still open to emails, letters and meetings with community members and business owners as part of the decision making process, which ultimately lies with the Council. They assure us that the Council is a long way off making a decision and that the scheme is highly unlikely to progress in its present form. You can read our previous story on Hounslow Council's statement and reaction from various groups. ”
January 20, 2018 ![]() |