OFSTED Praises Improvements At Chiswick School

Monitoring visit says effective action is being taken to improve standards

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Chiswick School has had an OFSTED Monitoring Inspection visit which has found that senior leaders and governors are taking effective action to tackle the areas requiring improvement identified in the previous inspection.

The school is working to bring its level up from 'requires improvement' to its previous 'Good' grading, despite recent difficulties, including having two headteachers leave the school in the past few years.

chiswick school

A monitoring inspection is an interim visit by Ofsted but not a full Inspection. The overall grading for the school remains 'Requires Improvement' until its next full Section Five inspection.

A new Headteacher, Laura Ellener, is to start after Christmas. In a letter to parents, the acting headteacher Jane Mills said that other key messages from the monitoring inspection included that a new behaviour policy had had "a positive impact on pupils' attitudes to learning during lessons."

There was "clear evidence of an ogoing dialogue between teacher and pupil which enabled them to make improvements in their work."

It also praised the "stable ad competent middle leadership team" which was supporting the changes ad the impact was being seen in pupils' progress and improved attendance.

The school has highlighted certain areas as a priority, particularly around student's progress and student behaviour and conduct.


November 30, 2018

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