Proposed Expansion of William Hogarth Primary

School could become two form entry by September 2011


Primary School League Tables Published

Schools In Chiswick

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Member of Hounslow Executive will consider a report recommending the expansion of William Hogarth Primary School from 210 pupils to 420 with effect from September 2011. The expansion is proposed in response to the increasing birth rate in the borough and the resulting increased demand for Reception places.

The William Hogarth Primary School is a rapidly improving school, as shown by the substantial improvement in KS2 results in 2008 and further improvement in 2009. The report states that expansion to a two form entry school would provide additional resources to sustain this upward trend.

The report goes on to note that the School is appropriately located on Duke Road for increased provision to serve its own catchment area where there are more Reception pupils than the school can provide places for and for the broader Chiswick community.

Based on initial feasibility studies, the site is considered to be of sufficient size to meet the DCSF guidance for confined sites. In consultation with the school, space has been identified within the current building, subject to reconfiguring use of rooms, to accommodate the extra classes created by the expansion up to 2012/13.

The cost of the expansion of The William Hogarth Primary School is estimated to be £720k which will come from available s106 funding

The full report can be read here

March 30, 2010