Revised Schedule of Grove Park Restriction Suspensions Published |
Enforcement will now operate most days from mid-October
Hounslow Council have now published a full schedule of when access restrictions will not apply for the South Chiswick Liveable Neighbourhood scheme during the roadworks on the A4. Originally, according to an email sent to local ward councillor, Gabriella Giles by Victoria Lawson Executive Director of Environment, Culture and Customer Services, there was to be no enforcement of restrictions on Hartington Road and Staveley Road on nearly every day between 5 August and 25 November. The revised schedule shows that ANPR cameras may become operational again on 13 October. After that date the only days normal restrictions will not apply are four successive Saturdays from 26 November. This means that rather than there being two days, dubbed ‘trap days’ by residents in which motorists will be liable to be fined during long periods in which the restrictions are not being enforced, as earlier reported on this site, there will now only be one such day on Friday 16 September. This will be the only day in over two months in which enforcement is taking place. Hounslow is now opting to resume enforcement during phase 3 of the works on the Cromwell Road Rail Bridge on the A4. During this phase the eastbound A4 will be reduced to two lanes eastbound with the westbound carriageway fully open. The slip road to join the A4 eastbound at Chiswick Roundabout will be closed with a diversion route to Hogarth Roundabout. Jack Emsley, Conservative Councillor for Chiswick Homefields, said of the continuation of enforcement on a ‘trap day’ on 16 September, “Instead of trying to trip residents up during the traffic upheaval of the next few months, Hounslow Council should be trying to keep things as simple as possible. We’ll be raising our concerns over this bizarre decision with the council and asking them to reconsider.” The days on which the restrictions will not apply are: Saturday 6 August – Thursday 15 September Hounslow Council has announced that it will be amalgamating the Hartington Road and Staveley Road permit schemes, to provide access to all residents and other existing exemption permit holders in the RV, CS, GP, SOTG and FR CPZ areas. This is expected to take full effect on 7 September in advance of the trap day and the resumption of enforcement in the middle of October.
August 7, 2022 |