Acton Lane Closed Northbound By Chiswick Park Station |
Thames Water currently expecting work may continue until Tuesday
Acton Lane has been closed northbound near the entrance to Sainsbury’s due to Thames Water needing to make an emergency repair to a leak. The closure means that there is no direct way to get from the south to the north of Chiswick at the moment due to the access restrictions on Fisher’s Lane and Turnham Green Terrace. However, diversion signs are indicating that motorists should turn up Turnham Green Terrace. It is not known whether access restrictions are still being enforced on this road. We have asked Hounslow Council and await a response. Cllr Jo Biddolph has raised the matter with council officers and described said the situation shows, "staggering levels of lack of co-ordination." At this stage, if drivers want to be certain of avoiding a fine they need to go along Chiswick High Road until Goldhawk Road and double back along Bath Road. Since the closure, there have been high levels of traffic on the High Road between Acton Lane and Chiswick Lane.
Signs at the site of the work said that currently Thames Water expects the works to be completed on Tuesday (27 October). We have contacted them directly for confirmation and await a response. To have your say on any of Hounslow’s trial Streetspace schemes click on this link or email the transport team on
October 24, 2020 |