Former Garthowen Care Home Could Be Turned Into Flats | ||||
Decision pending on plan to redevelop Barrowgate Road site into affordable housing
A plan to demolish the former Garthowen care home at 78 Barrowgate Road and develop affordable housing units for shared ownership is likely to get approval from Hounslow Council. The proposal is up for discussion at next week's Hounslow Council Planning Committee (Tuesday, 9 October) with council planners recommending acceptance of the project. Locals in the Barrowgate Road have expressed concern over the plan by
the The Shepherd’s Bush Housing Association (SBHA) for the significant
development. The building was last in use as a care facility since the 1950s but has been vacant since 2015 and is currently in a state of disrepair. There were twelve objections to the plan on grounds of an unacceptable design that would cause harm to the character and appearance of the area, that it was loss of a heritage asset that the new building would be overbearing and that it was of an excessive scale. There were also objections on grounds of loss of light, privacy, and loss of a community facility. You can read the report from the Council planning officials recommending approval which will be put before councillors at the Planning Committee meeting. October 6, 2018