"Over-Development" of Est Est Est Site Enrages Residents

Fourteen flats, two commercial units and a underground car-park proposed

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Plans will be on show on Wednesday 13th June from 4.00 - 7.00pm at the Est Est Est site on corner of Netheravon Road and Chiswick High Road


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Plans to convert the former Est Est Est restaurant into two commercial units and 14 residential flats with car parking beneath have been met with dismay by local residents.

Submitted by property company Q Developments, the proposals to add a floor and create parking underneath the current three-storey late Victorian building on the corner of Netheravon Road and Chiswick High Road were discussed at the most recent Chiswick Area Committee Planning meeting.

Councillor Todd told the committee he had received numerous phone calls and that there had been objections from local residents on grounds of traffic generation, noise, the bulk of the building and the manner in which the design differed from the existing building, especially the Netheravon Road frontages.

Whilst residents acknowledged that some form of development was acceptable, they objected to the plans in their current format citing:

• The amount of parking is inadequate for the development and would adversely affect parking in Netheravon Road and other surrounding streets, which is already at saturation level.
• The proposed extensions to the roof and rear of the building would completely change its scale and character, dominating the entrance into Netheravon Road and create a tunnel effect
• The extension goes beyond the rear building line of the adjacent buildings on Chiswick High Road, resulting in a loss of light to neighbours.
• The original Victorian development, which is a Chiswick landmark, made an architectural feature of the corner, which will be lost.
• Loss of privacy to neighbouring properties. The roof terraces are only 17m from properties in Prebend Mansions.
• The previous restaurant/ bar was the source of many complaints about nuisance to neighbours from noise, late closing and anti-social behaviour. In light of the change to a residential building, reduction in the size of the commercial units and the reduction in commercial waste facilities, the license should be reviewed with a limit of 11pm recommended.
• An extension of restaurant space is unacceptable as there are already too many restaurants and bars in the locality.
• The developer makes out the property is almost derelict however it is highly valuable in its current state and there are many restaurant tenants who would rent and refurbish the property.
• Covenants should be applied restricting residents from applying for parking permits

The proposals currently include dividing the ground floor into two commercial units for restaurants or shops. On the upper floors would be 14 flats four of which would have balconies but the other flats would have no amenity space.

The Area Planning Manager explained to the committee that she was interested in members’ views as to whether they felt it would be possible to negotiate a suitable scheme to submit to the Sustainable Development Committee or whether members considered it unacceptable and would agree to refusal under officers’ delegated powers.

Members agreed that the application should be referred back to Planning Officers to consider refusal under delegated powers.

Q Developments, who describe themselves as "an ambitious and innovative property development company, committed to excellence in contemporary design and construction" will be holding an exhibition of revised plans on Wednesday 13th June from 4.00 - 7.00pm at the Est Est Est site.

June 10, 2007