The Wolf of Chiswick High Road Becomes Humpty Dumpty Man |
Chris McGale's book tells how he rebuilt his life
A new book The Humpty Dumpty Man by a Chiswick resident tells the story of how he rebuilt his life after giving up a highly paid City job. Chris McGale grew up in Northern Ireland during the Troubles and, despite being a bit wild as a youngster, ended up working for Merrill Lynch Investment Bank via Queens University and Deloittes. By the turn of the Millennium he had seen the Big Bang and the rapid expansion of the City of London and had risen to be one of the highest paid stockbrokers at Merrill Lynch on over a million dollars a year. He was with the love of his life, had a new-born daughter and lived in a luxury property but somehow it wasn’t enough. He had burnt out, doing too much of what he called “The too muches” - a never-ending cycle of long days, late nights, booze, gambling, and the compulsion to win. In 2002 he took a sabbatical and never went back so the Wolf of Chiswick High Road became the Humpty Dumpty man and Chris tells the story of this transition in his book which is available for purchase now on Amazon.
October 31, 2020 |