Children from Belmont and William Hogarth Schools took part in a joint ceramics workshop this summer.

The aims of the day were to foster links between the two schools and promote a wider awareness of Chiswick as a local community.

We were lucky to have two highly talented well-known artists Mary Fenton and Claire Ireland to lead the workshop. The day was a great success the children worked well together and produced some stunning work.

The children were asked to design fish, leaves and flowers to make a garden sculpture. William Hogarth hosted the day and then came last week to see the work installed in the new Belmont garden.

It was great to see how much the pupils enjoyed seeing their work installed. The work will be on display in November at the Kew Bridge Steam museum.

Thank you to the parent helpers and staff from both schools who helped bring this day together.

Special thanks to Head teachers Ann Williams and Cathy Driscoll who despite the pressures of an incredibly busy term, found the time to support the complicated logistics of this scheme.

Thanks also to our sponsors Mark Bury of Bellenger Locke and Kay Wright of Bushells Estate agents.

The Artists involved in "Artists at the Pavilion" are planning similar events.

Geraldine Phillips

For further information about the day or if you would like to sponsor a future event please call the organiser Geraldine Phillips on 0208-994-3169

August 16, 2002