Chiswick Health Centre Decision To Be Made This Week |
New medical facility and 55 flats recommended for approval
The Hounslow Borough planning committee is due to meet virtually this week (31 March) to consider the application to knock down the Chiswick Medical Centre and build a new one in its place along with 55 flats. The new health centre would have an increased capacity in a building of up to six storeys high. The flats, which have been increased in number since the original application, would all be for social rent. The application is recommended for approval by borough planner officers subject to conditions and the completion of a Section 106 Agreement. The 55 flats would be accommodated in a six storey C-shaped building and the 2,636 sq m (GEA) of Health Centre floorspace in a four story L-shaped building with a Belvedere on the south east corner above the entrance. The health centre building would provide floorspace for the GP practices and community services comprising consulting and examination rooms, district nurses, community rooms and staff administrative accommodation providing more modern facilities for a wider range of services. A total of eight secured car spaces (including one disabled) are to be provided at ground floor along Arnott Close for the health centre staff. In addition a community garden is proposed along Dolman Road and a terrace on the fourth floor for staff within the health centre. 49 of the flats will only have one bedroom with 3 three bedroom units. Priority would be given to NHS workers already on the Council’s Housing Register when allocating the flats.
There were 39 comments on the proposal of which 33 were in opposition. Many of the objections were on the basis of the height of the new building but the planners said in their report, “It is therefore considered that the proposal would be of an appropriate height, scale and design which would contribute positively to the street scene and general townscape without appearing as an unduly prominent or overbearing feature." Although the proposal would result in the removal of eight trees, a total of twelve trees would be replanted. Four of the eight trees to be removed are described as being of moderate/good quality. Patients registered at the centre will be sent an a temporary basis to the Stamford Brook Centre which is being upgraded. The planning statement issued with the Chiswick Health Centre application says that just two years is envisaged for the relocation but the application for the Stamford Brook facility stated that it could be as high as five years. All GP services would be transferred to the new temporary location. Currently three surgeries operate from the centre Chiswick Health Practice, West 4 GPs and Chiswick Family Doctors Practice. Over 20,000 people are registered for treatment at the centre. The planning committee meets virtually on Wednesday 31 March at 5pm.
March 27, 2021 |