Residents Face New Hartington Court Battle |
New plans submitted to develop thirties riverside block
Hartington Court, a distinctive riverside 1930s building is once again facing redevelopment plans that residents claim would blot distinctive architecture, riverside views and the Grove Park Conservation Area. Residents succeeded last year in a seven year struggle against redevelopment after a previous scheme was rejected at a public inquiry with hundreds of local people objecting. Now the freeholder is submitting another scheme to build 5 flats on the top of the development and provide extra parking spaces. Residents are seeking a long term solution by taking legal advice to try and obtain the freehold but in the meantime are asking for support in challenging the planning proposal. This building is a unique part of one of London’s finest riverscapes and is a prominent landmark. Residents say that any Residents have already secured the support of the West London River Group, local MP, Ann Keen, who has consistently supported their objects. Hounslow Council have also refused to approve previous applications. The planning application reference Is 00556/A/P6 and CA1 and comments are required by 16 January. You can email your objections to and residents have asked that people email Ann Keen MP to demonstrate your concern. You can also visit the Hartington Court web site.