Police Officer Receives Award After Coming To Aid Of Stabbed Boy |
PC Kristopher Payne may have saved life of teenager knifed near Ravenscourt Park
A police officer who may have saved a boy’s life after the teenager was stabbed near Ravenscourt Park has received an award from the Royal Humane Society. On 5 January this year PC Kristopher Payne was called at 7.50pm to a bus stop on Goldhawk Road near the junction with Ashchurch Grove where he and his colleagues found a 14-year-old boy with a serious stab wound to his upper chest. The wound was particularly deep and the victim’s condition was deteriorating as he struggled to breath. PC Payne took into account the victim’s symptoms and severity of the wound and realised that he had sustained a sucking chest wound to his upper left thorax. He responded by taking a ‘Russell chest seal’ from the first aid kit and removed the previously placed dressing and placed the seal over the wound. The officer then checked that there were no other injuries and continued to monitor the victim’s condition, who remained conscious and breathing, until the London Ambulance Service (LAS) arrived and took him into their care. The boy was taken to hospital where his injury was deemed to be potentially life-threatening. The LAS made contact with the police following the incident, requesting thanks be passed onto the officer who administered ‘very good’ first aid on scene. PC Payne was being awarded a Certificate of Commendation by the Royal Humane Society along with 16 other officers and five members of the public at an award ceremony on Thursday, 26 October for going above and beyond their call of duty to save lives. Deputy Commissioner Craig Mackey presented the awards as friends and family watched on at Empress State Building. He said, "Today we have heard some remarkable stories of bravery, professionalism and skill. All of which have reminded me what a fantastic job we do here in the Met and I am proud to be able to commend these people for their incredible actions. “The situations these officers and members of the public found themselves in made the difference between life and death. Their decision making, knowledge and determination made a real difference to someone’s life. And for that, I am thankful to each and every person awarded today.” The Royal Humane Society is a charity that grants awards for acts of bravery in the saving of human life and, also, for the restoration of life by resuscitation.