Pop Up Day Care Centre on Chiswick High Road |
Peaceful protest in Vodafone store highlights cuts in the community At the stroke of 11am on Saturday 16th April, a small fairy angel appeared in Chiswick's Vodafone store with a polite letter to the manager. It read, "The local Chiswick Day Centre for elderly people is facing closure because the government says there is no money left. "The reason there is no money left is because the government lets British companies such as Vodafone 'avoid' paying their taxes. We think this is jolly unfair, and therefore we will be occupying your store as a protest." The manager looked bemused as the front doors were held open to allow the passage of a sofa, wheely trolley, lamp and tea urn into the store. Over 800 flyers were distributed to interested onlookers and some shoppers also came in and joined the peaceful protest for tea, cake and a chat. The shop floor staff were very calm and polite and were able to go about their business without hindrance, and as tea time drew to a close the pop up Day Centre packed itself up and left the premises as clean and tidy as it was first found. Photos of the entirely non-violent, creative community action can be seen here Hounslow Council is consulting on the closure of Chiswick Day Centre until the 30th April 2011 April 20, 2011 |