Clare Balding Recovers From Thyroid Cancer

Sports Presenter "Looking Forward to Returning to Work"

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Clare Balding has won her battle with thyroid cancer after receiving radioactive iodine treatment. The BBC sports presenter says she is looking forward to returning to work after the treatment last month was proved successful by a scan.

Miss Balding thanked her fans for their support and said that she had been touched by the number of thyroid cancer patients who had got in touch with her, in order to share their experiences.

Miss Balding, a W4 Resident, said she had first noticed a lump on her throat while watching herself on TV at Christmas. The lump was drained by a doctor, but when she returned for a check-up was told she needed another operation.

She returned to work soon after surgery in order to cover the Spring Meeting at Epsom for the BBC at the end of April. She then had another operation to remove the remaining cells before undergoing radioactive iodine treatment last month.

August 21, 2009