Bedford Park Sign Branded An 'Abomination'

Claims that Ealing Council has not followed correct conservation area procedure

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A newly erected sign at the Acton Green end of The Avenue has caused quite a stir amongst local residents.

Peter Murray Honorary Secretary of Bedford Park Society told, "This new sign is an abomination and should be removed as soon as
possible. It adds to the proliferation of signs that are cluttering up the area already. While the Society would be very happy for there to be notices making visitor aware that they are approaching the first garden suburb, any sign should be properly designed and located with care."

He continued, "The Society was not consulted on the design and believes that the quality of any such installation should match that of the architecture it announces."

Other local residents have voiced similar complaints. Peter Eversden said, "The Ealing Council offer was for consultation on a welcome sign at the borough boundary, which is where the two signs are by the common just south of South Parade on the west side, one with 'Zone Ends' and the other about '5T lorries'.

"We expected to be consulted upon the shape and content and the way the three signs would be incorporated into a new display. Suddenly, they do as they please and where they please. That can only be because they do not speak to their own conservation office, nor recognise that they have set up a Panel of architects to discuss such planning and environment matters. Also officers seem not to think it is important to talk to a Society established 42 years to protect part of our heritage."

Further concerns have been raised over the widening of the pavement at the site of the E3 bus stop.

We have asked Ealing Council for comment and will publish their response when we receive it.

April 27, 2009