Call For Action On Chiswick Rubbish 'Dismissed' |
Council has its 'head in the sand' says John Todd
The Chiswick councillor who demanded LBH be forced to take action on the piles of rubbish on Chiswick High Road has said he is "genuinely shocked" to learn that his attempt to make a Councillor Call for Action has been "unilaterally dismissed" . Cllr Todd said that the Chair of LBH Scrutiny Committee, Labour Cllr John Chatt had dismissed his appeal "without any dialogue with me". A CCfA is regarded as a "last resort" taken when other avenues to solve a problem in the community are felt to have been exhausted but the Scrutiny Committee head said he did not believe all areas had been exhausted. LBH has promised to set up an enforcement team and carry out regular visits to Chiswick with the threat of fines against those who flytip. Cllr Todd said he had received emails from several Chiswick residents supporting his bid for a CCfA and some locals aired their frustration at LBH and their contractors apparent lack of action, at last Tuesday's Chiswick Area Forum meeting. "Cllr Chatt, advised by Officers has missed a valuable opportunity to resolve this matter and to assuage local anger at the vacillation of LBH.", said Cllr Todd. "I have seen no sign of any action by LBH. I have not seen any warning signs seeking to deter dumping of rubbish nor the use of our sophisticated CCTV system. Cllr. Amrit Mann Lead Member of REDe has stated that; "'Dumping of rubbish is NOT unique to Chiswick, but all over Hounslow. A proactive approach using a combination of education & enforcement is being employed. This should go in some way to reduce this Hounslow wide problem. "
"Yesterday we had a lavatory, a mattress, we have also in the past had a washing machine, cupboard , chairs, large brown paper boxes and bags of various colorson a daily basis.
A CCfA (also known as a Councillor Call For Action) is not guaranteed to solve a given issue but it can provide the opportunity for consideration of the matter in a public forum and facilitate discussion in a neutral environment. Having heard the evidence the Scrutiny Committee may decide to make recommendations for action to the Executive and/or partners, request further investigation or decide that no further action is needed. If you would like to report a fly tip please visit and go to Fix My Street. September 25 , 2014